Warrenton-Hammond School District #30 will be our school system for the next 3 months. We begin October 11th with an interview with Superintendent Tom Rogonozki. He talks about the new middle school and a few of the exciting happenings due in part from the bond levy, staff dedication and commitment of citizens and students.
This month's Around Our Schools program provides information about the Tongue Point Job Corps Center, Seamanship Program. Sara Meyer interviews Captain (and Seamanship Director),...
5 AHS seniors will share their thoughts about their years in school. 3 Valedictorians, Grace Harden, Emily Carpenter, Rocky Rub and 2 Salutatorians, Nevaeh...
Astor School Kate Gohr and Counselor Chloe Hunt talk about learning for Kindergarten thru 2nd graders. 350 students are in this 1C Astoria school...